and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
For darkness shall cover the earth; and thick darkness the peoples; but the
Lord shall arise upon you, and His glory shall appear over you. Isaiah 61:1,2
Dawn & Vinson Montgomery
You and I were hand-picked by the Lord to be alive in this time, the finest hour of the Church. Yes there is darkness in the world and sin is increasing and overflowing. But the Lord has promised that were sin abounds His grace would super-abound. God's grace is overpowering sin everywhere, bringing revelation of the Anointed Jesus through His Church, the body of Christ in signs wonders and miracles. God's glory, His goodness will be seen on us in this day and in this time as He brings the answer to the worlds most pressing needs through us, the Church. We are that hiding place, that place of refuge and that refreshment to others. It's time to arise for the glory is here and it is upon us right now. It will be seen as we rise up in our kingly position of authority bringing the glory of God's Kingdom hear on earth. It's time to heal, the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils establish the Lord's order by His power and in His love. This time demands that we be strong in His strength. So let's not delay but abandon ourselves to Him so His glory can be seen!